Angels in America Provincetown Theater

That Dorothy Parker Provincetown Theater

Angels in America Provincetown Theater
A year-round performance and educational space celebrating American voices.
Each of the many productions that I have seen over the years has left an edible mark on my memory. Looking forward to the 2024 season, which I am certain will become part of that memory bank.
Best Show I've seen in Ptown in a long time! We love the Provincetown Theater!
As usual, the intimacy of the Provincetown Theater made for an enhanced live theater experience.
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Covid-19 Safety & Protocols
The Provincetown Theater does not require masks, but we recommend that you take whatever action feels most comfortable and appropriate.
The Department of Public Health advises that individuals should wear a mask or face covering when indoors (and not in their own home) if they have a weakened immune system, or if they are at increased risk for severe disease because of their age or an underlying medical condition, or if someone in your household has a weakened immune system or is at increased risk for severe disease. (MASS.gov)
If you have COVID-19, you can spread the virus to others. If you test positive for COVID-19, stay home for at least five days. You are likely most infectious during these first five days, and we ask that you do not come to the Theater during this exposure. We also ask that you wear a mask if you recently were exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid-19. (CDC.gov)
If you have additional questions related to our COVID-19 policies or would like to request special accommodation, please email boxoffice@provincetowntheater.org.
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The Provincetown Theater is grateful for the generous support of these grant makers.